A collection of bible verses,qoutes and originally made stories and poem by ALTHEYRIGHT.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


       Today,one of our friend here in dubai celebrates her birthday.. I felt so happy because we are complete as a group of friends. And the presence of everyone means they do treasure the friendship that we have, eventhough our friendship encountered a lot of ups and downs but still we are together.
Sometimes  misunderstanding,jealousy and being sensitive drives to break the friendship that we have but still we remain as strong as an old oak tree planted in a good ground..
        So thankful to my CREATOR for giving me a friend like them who are always there to listen, to scold, to make me laugh and willing to help and give some advices if needed..
        Life without someone to lean on (friends) is meaningless...

Right now, i can't stop my tears from falling, coz i know how much do i will miss this people..they're the one who make my life meaningful and inspired when im here in this foreign land..i keep on praying that they won't change even i'm not with them anymore.. And i will promise them too that i will never ever change and i will keep all the laughters, tears and happy moments were together..luv u all guys..

kangaroo, tansya, kanyuting, nana and nanay felay


  1. Want to be reunited with my old best friends :)''JOLOGS''

    1. me too jols..that's what i'm longing since before...mouli nko ikw npud ug c dada ang wala...


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