A collection of bible verses,qoutes and originally made stories and poem by ALTHEYRIGHT.

Monday, June 25, 2012

GOD IS LOVE (the unconditional love)

            What is love?It  is a common question that we usually hear from school, from the street, and even a  6 year old  kid would ask this question to his parents.We have different meaning for this simple yet complicated question..Love  can be define as great affection..
              Love is present everywhere you may go, in a happy family love is there, in a peaceful country love is there. Love can inspire and make the life of a lonely person more meaningful. But sometimes love can ruin a life in some other aspects and can be  transformed into hatred and irate.
              Love plays a big role in our life, in a relationship and most specially with our relationship to our  GOD..Because he is the GOD of love. This kind of love is hard to fathom, but fundamentally reliable. We were created as a special object of God's love!.He made us  so he could love us.The Bible tells us, GOD IS LOVE." It doesn't say God has love. He is love!Love is the essence of God's character. God wanted to make us in order to express his love.

God says, "I have carried you since you were born;I have taken care of you from your birth.
Even when your are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you..

          Because of his unconditional love we were save.He sacrifices his only son for us..And all he wanted to us is to love one another to make the whole world into a better place to live in.And because of his great love we are forgiven. We all know how bad we are, in our daily lives we commit sins and we just simply ask for a forgiveness and we know he was hurt too,! but still he forgives us, see! how great ang loving FATHER is he.

            We all know that if we did wrong deeds we broke HIS heart but still he loves us. We are so blessed to have a FATHER and SAVIOR like him..Who is never tired of watching and loving us.How merciful is he..

In what way we can show our love back to him?

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