A collection of bible verses,qoutes and originally made stories and poem by ALTHEYRIGHT.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


              How can we develop our friendship with GOD? It is the question that comes out from my mind every time I read his word. For me in developing friendship with him like developing our friendship to our friends.Here are some elements to consider.

              Honesty is one of the most important factor to develop  friendship with him.If you want a deeper, more intimate with each other you must learn to honestly share your feelings to each other.Same with GOD we need to be honest to our selves and to him. God doesn't expect us to be perfect,all he wanted from us is complete honesty.

            Trust also is needed to make a  strong and harmonious friendship. As of this days it's very hard for us to give our trust to anybody because of the natural world that we belong right now. But we cannot blame anybody. Most christian, their were putting their trust to GOD..Trusting GOD when he asks you to do something, learn to care about what he cares and desire his friendship more than anything else.

            Faith is another element in developing friendship with GOD.Every time we trust God's wisdom and do whatever he says,even when we don't understand it, we deepen our friendship with HIM. The closer we follow him, the deeper our friendship becomes.

             Obeying God's word and applying it to our everyday life, it helps us to draw our selves more closer to him.

             And Jesus said" I have loved you even as the FATHER has loved me.Remain in my love,just as i obey my FATHER and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy.Yes, your joy will overflow."

            Our Father really loves us,all he wants is  to be his friend, but sometimes we pull away our selves from him because of the wordly things that we want.

            Because of his love to us he sacrifices his own son to forgive us. And how many times we broke his heart but still he forgives us If only we ask him ,that is because he really really loves us.

(He did this for his LOVE to us)


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