A collection of bible verses,qoutes and originally made stories and poem by ALTHEYRIGHT.

Friday, June 15, 2012


I'm happy because I got YOU,
I'm blessed to have YOU.
YOU make me new;
and mold me into a better me.

Because of YOU,
I'm  wide awake and you make me live in truth;
YOU carried me into your arm and you never let me go.

Let your presence fall upon me;
I want to see your face.
YOU let me live forever with your love and mercy.

Because of YOU, I was saved,
 YOU let yourself suffer and died just for me.
Thankful to have you right now in my life;
I love you  JESUS..


VERSES TO PONDER (day 13) (God's purpose to us)

Many are plans in a man's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

-Proverbs 19:21-

For David.... "served the purpose of GOD in his own generation"

-Acts 13:36-


QUOTE OF VIEW 9 (living with purpose)

"When God's at the center of your life,you worship.
When he's not, you worry.."

"Before most unbelievers accept the Bible as credible they want to know what we are credible."

"Living with purpose is the only way to really live,
You can start living on purpose today"
